samedi 8 décembre 2012

A new search engine Yahoo! signed and Facebook

Yahoo! and Facebook are about to embark on the development of a search engine for a new kind.

If one believes The Sunday Telegraph , the two companies would consider fitting a new search engine that mingle databases social networking know-how Yahoo!. The goal would be to propose a new intelligent portal for smartphones and tablets while trying to shade Google and its 90% market share.
The project must still go through Microsoft, Facebook shareholder and partner of Yahoo! before seeing the day. One point that may be difficult to overcome, since the U.S. firm already has its own search engine, Bing.
[UPDATE - 20/11/12] In a statement released Monday , Facebook denied any such reconciliation.
"People are waiting for a better search experience on Facebook. We are working on improvements to better meet their expectations, but we are not in talks to conclude a new partnership around search »

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